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Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” –Steve Jobs

This module will expose students to theories of thinking and problem solving and develop their critical and creative thinking abilities via a range of activities that simulate real-world settings. This module also encourages students to broaden theirideas and thought processes and techniquesrelated to critical and creative thinking strategies.It is led by Mr Paul Nickson.


“Need to design a gift for a friend you can’t meet in person!”

We were required to create a gift for a person who can't meet in person



In this assignment, we were required to work in a group which between 5 to 6 person by developing
an action plan and to present a report in response to our "ASSIGNED TOPIC" which is the Household Waste Management Awareness Programme

Toy Design : Play and The Act of Play

In this assignment, we were required to create a Toy by our assigned body part. For my assigned body parts is the head. That means I need to create a toy which use my head to play.

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