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Architecture Design Project

Students will learn about:
1. Generate a design with a good level of understanding of design codes, environmental, technological strategies tectonics and poetics. Emphasizing effectiveness, sustainability, buildability, and efficiency.

2. Establish a good level of understanding on materiality and detailing as means to capture experiential, aesthetic, and innovative qualities of the design.

3.Consolidate a comprehensive understanding of design into a holistic architectural presentation and summing up design as an integrative process.


Tutor: Ar Jasmi Saleh

Project 1

Pre-Design Studies & Analysis

In this phase, students in groups are to investigate, study and analyze the site to understand valuable components before designing. The study will enable students to gain familiarity with the site. To be immersed by 'sensing the place' allowing each to look into the current conditions of the site and relate it to the target user and objectives of the project. Hence, developing the most appropriate strategy and programme for it.
In this phase, students in a group are expected to:

• To conduct a comprehensive investigation and study of the site using and townscape
appraisal checklist for site investigation thru observation, research, surveys, and interviews.

• To use references to understand and analyze the site and context in a more in-depth
manner. Apply learnings from relevant readers, such as ‘Life between buildings using
public space, legibility analysis extracted from Responsive Environments, Cities for People, How to Study Public Life, New City Spaces, Soft City,

• To look into precedents: relevant projects and buildings that provide a better
understanding of the project and program-relevant ideas.

• To define the programme(s) suitable for the project and analyze the impact of it.

Tutor:Ar Shahira Shaharuddin

Project Outcome

Project 2

Urban Room Project

Site Analysis & Response establishes an understanding of the context for Project 2. Using the provided site data and information, as well as further information gained from site visit, students willidentify the intangible qualities together with the physical inventory that shape the character of the site. In assigned tutorial groups students will identify the intangible qualities together with the physical inventory that shape the character of the site. As a conclusion of the Site Analysis, students will work with their tutorial group to reorganize the demarcated site area – the Wellness Zone - through the design of a Wellness Masterplan, which will serve as the base for their Project 2: Wellness Center PLUS.

Project Outcome(board)

Project Outcome(report)


Taylor's Lakeside Campus, Jalan Taylors, 47500 Subang Jaya,





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