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In this assignment, we were required to work in a group which between 5 to 6 person by developing
an action plan and to present a report in response to our "ASSIGNED TOPIC" which is the Household Waste Management Awareness Programme

Team Talk



At first, we talk about which platform should use by us for discussing the idea or plans of the assignment.


Next, we have decided the day to complete our task or I would say handover the summarize information for our leader.


And our leader started to gave the task needed to do by us. My task is to find the information (due to I do not have the sense of art to create graphic)or reference about the disposal mechanism of household waste in Malaysia.

ccts 2.1.PNG
ccts 2.2.PNG
ccts 2.3.PNG

Some example of information that I found and summarise it into the slide(power point) and provide to other members who did the graphics.


Through this group assignment, I had learnt the skills to summarize information from a pdf file or I would say "Google" and complete the task given by a leader in time. Besides, I also knew the power of a team as Taylor Swift's song <Me> sing about (Girl, there ain't no I in "team"
Strike the band up, one, two, three
You can't spell "awesome" without "me")

ccts me.png

Final outcome


Taylor's Lakeside Campus, Jalan Taylors, 47500 Subang Jaya,





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