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Project 2

Modelmaking, Orthographic Drawings, Axonometric, and Perspectives are the four sections of the project. We were able to gain a thorough grasp of the architectural detail and spatial values of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's Farnsworth House as a result of the research.
Orthographic Drawings
After that, I started to draw an axonometric drawing on butter paper, and created a 30/60-degree axonometric drawing with a T-shaped square and a 30-degree fixed square. During the tutoring process, once completed and approved by the tutor, I transferred the painting to the actual paper, sketched it with ink, and considered the appropriate line width.
We were asked to draw the drawings of Farnsworth House from one point and two points. After reading the online lecture on the correct way to construct them, I made sketches for each perspective view. Once completed and approved, I will transfer them to actual paper and add mannequins and the surrounding environment as background.

Timelapse for model making
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