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Bhutan site visit – Reflection

  1. What are 5 things that you learned from ‘Bhutan virtual site visit’? (you may provide images to support your input)

  • Love our environment by start doing 3R activity and reduce the amount of chemical substance while planting

  • Appreciate our mother nature by stop using substance that will used up our ozone layer such as Chlorofluorocarbons(cfc)

  • We should start meditation to reduce our stress since at young age

  • We should plant more tree and use renewable resource instead of non-renewable resources such as petroleum.

plant tree.jpg
  • We should also support our government or king such as citizen of Bhutan cooperate with their government to maintain the view of forest and mountain.

bhutan tree zone.png

2. From your virtual experience and research, how can we improved our country in the sense of zero-carbon-country as inspired from the Bhutan visit and TED Talks (you may provide images to support your input)

  • Our government  should increase the tax or the price of car

  • So, most of the people will regret and cannot effort  to have a car

  • Promote the ideas of car-pooling and encourage citizen to make use of public transportation

  • The amount of carbon dioxide release in our country will decrease and the air will become fresh and less polluted

  • Our government should enforce the law

  • Take action on those people who illegal logging

  • Occur a new project to encourage citizen to plant more trees in our residential  area


Taylor's Lakeside Campus, Jalan Taylors, 47500 Subang Jaya,





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